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All You Need to Know about Residential HVAC Installation

residential hvac installation Oct 17, 2023

Do you want to ensure maximum performance and comfort while cutting down on inefficiencies and saving money???

Proper sizing of HVAC equipment is essential to achieve this, and oversizing can cause large temperature changes, energy expenses, and a reduced equipment lifespan.

This article discusses the importance of proper HVAC system sizing to ensure maximum performance, comfort, and energy efficiency. Oversizing can lead to increased energy expenses, large temperature changes, and stress on system components. Calculating the design heat load is necessary to determine the right size for the HVAC system, and tightly sealed ducting is essential for great energy efficiency. Builders must provide homeowners with a copy of the home's heat gain/loss estimates to ensure proper sizing, in accordance with the 2015 IECC: R403.7 Equipment sizing and efficiency rating (Mandatory) and similar requirements found in the 2012 IECC section R403.6.

Typical problems and concerns include contractors guessing size rather than using the necessary standards or being incapable of doing a Manual S or J calculation. Safety guidelines must also be followed during installation, including following manufacturer instructions and safety regulations, obtaining local permits if required, and wearing appropriate safety gear. Tools, supplies, and equipment required for installation are also listed.

Additionally, the article discusses the installation of high-velocity HVAC systems, which are small-duct, high-velocity airflow, heating, and cooling systems designed to fit in buildings with space restrictions or other architectural constraints. The system uses flexible, pre-insulated tubing and sound-attenuating materials to create a quiet comfort system. There are 10 stages listed to ensure a successful installation, including load calculation, finding a suitable location for the fan coil unit, constructing a simple platform, and connecting the condensate drain.

This article is a valuable resource for both DIY homeowners and contractors, as it emphasizes the importance of proper HVAC system sizing and provides guidelines for installation. By following these guidelines, homeowners can ensure maximum performance, comfort, and energy efficiency, while contractors can provide quality service and avoid typical problems and concerns.

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